Callout to Female Bloggers!

As part of Coventry Women’s Voices on-going dedication to ensuring women’s voices in Coventry (and beyond) are heard, we welcome any woman or women’s organisation to write for our blog.

Articles can be about anything that affects women and girls.  What women and girls are passionate about; what inspires them, enrages them, develops or oppresses them.  We have a particular focus on Coventry and the West Midlands but we are also interested in articles with a national or international theme.

We ask for no commitment; you can write as a guest blogger or have a regular slot on the blog.  What we do ask is that the blog rules are adhered to.  They are as follows:

  1. Blog posts are the view(s) of the author(s) and do not represent the views of Coventry women’s voices.
  2. While we want this space to be a platform where any woman, from any walk of life, can voice her opinions and open debate is encouraged, articles should not make personal attacks on any individual or collective group.  This is not a place for oppression or exclusion.
  3. No articles should contain offensive language or hate speech.
  4. No article should seek to defame an individual or organisation.
  5. All articles will be approved by one of the blog co-ordinators. We are a small team and are all volunteers with other paid and unpaid responsibilities. We will endeavour to get back to you within a few days.
  6. We may suggest edits to your article before posting it.
  7. We reserve the right to refuse to publish a post for any reason.

This blog is written by women, about women, for women.

The voices of women in Coventry, and beyond!

To join us please email