FWT Wednesday Women’s Group


Foleshill Women’s Training Centre (FWT) are starting a brand new women’s group, on Wednesday 24th April 2013 from 10.00am -12.00midday.

This is a ‘self-led’ group where YOU decide the activities. FWT are offering a healthy food workshop to begin the first session, then it’s over to participants to plan whatever activities or workshops they want!

Foleshill Women’s Training Centre can be found at:

70-72 Elmsdale Avenue




FWT is an award winning, women only centre, operating since 1989. They are dedicated to helping ALL women in Coventry and the surrounding areas through their social, health and economic programmes.

For more information on FWT and the services they provide, access their website at: http://www.fwt.org.uk/ or telephone 024 7663 7693.